Dog Breeds Hokkaido Dog


overview :
Hokkaido is a medium-sized breed, Spitz, who has strongly developed secondary sexual characteristics. It is very balanced and robust and strong bones. The race is able to withstand severe cold and heavy snow. His muscles hard, cutting heavy resistance. 
body type :
In proportion, Hokkaido is slightly longer than tall, in a ratio of about 11:10. The chest is deep and moderately wide with well developed chest. The ribs are well sprung. The cross is high and the back is straight and strong. The kidney is moderately broad and muscular, the croup is slightly sloping. There are many in the abdomen. 
color :
Sesame (red fawn hairs with black tips), brindle, red, black, black and tan or white. 
temperament :
Alert, dignified, bold, sweet, loyal, courageous.


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