Assets of small dogs

WASHINGTON - A new study shows that the origin of small dogs in different parts of the world back to the Middle East, where she appeared before more than 12 thousand years.

The site "Dicksaufera News" American study published in the journal "BMC Biology", focused on a single gene is responsible for the size of the dogs.

The researchers found that out of a fundamental forms of IGF1 gene in the size of the dogs were a result tame Middle Eastern gray wolves that happens it essentially smaller than the rest of the wolves.

He said the main responsible for the study Melissa Gray of the site that "studies suggest that remnants of" dogs "old were found in Belgium, Germany and Western Russia, dating back to between 13 and 31 thousand years, all belong to a dog of the same size of type" dog Dane Great "in while that remains in the Middle East dating back to 12 thousand years and all dog-like little Altrer ".


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